I don't really know how I'd like to start this one. And it's not like I'm facing a dearth of ideas - on the contrary, I've got too many in mind. So let me just put them all down.
(EDIT: I'm breaking it up and making it into a 5-part series, as otherwise the length is proving to be a deterrent)
The first rule of Fight Club is that you do not talk about Fight Club
I make it a point to mentally scoff every time one of my fellow urban youngsters says to me, 'Dude! You've seen Fight Club right? Isn't it, like, the most fucking awesome film, like, ever made?' and I am compelled to do so in at least 9 out of every 10 cases, and at multiple levels.
(EDIT: I'm breaking it up and making it into a 5-part series, as otherwise the length is proving to be a deterrent)
The first rule of Fight Club is that you do not talk about Fight Club
I make it a point to mentally scoff every time one of my fellow urban youngsters says to me, 'Dude! You've seen Fight Club right? Isn't it, like, the most fucking awesome film, like, ever made?' and I am compelled to do so in at least 9 out of every 10 cases, and at multiple levels.
First, the literal level. Now, it's a fact that most people aren't smart enough, so it's safe for me to say that at least 5 of those 9 say so because they either loved the action sequences or were simply blown away by the premise of a character's non-existence. And I concur. But they watched it once, observed those things and that's about it, whereas the very reason why the film (and the novel) is so brilliant is its depth which merits at least one repeat viewing. Because without that, you have to be a genius to appreciate the existential angst of the protagonist caught in the increasingly materialistic world.
The reasons for the other 4 targets of my mental sneer are tricky, as in many cases, I should be at the receiving end of my own wrath. Anyway, these people are smart enough to appreciate the intricacies of the story, and acknowledge the demons of our times, but they (or should I say we?) are too used to the luxuries of our routine well-off lives that it's not possible for us to even think about life without them. Think about it - big brands, plastic money, the good life. In our own ways, we are as much addicted to these as we are to a certain substance or the other.
Since I've not a clue what I'm getting at, let me move on to the not-so-literal levels. Here, it's just the way my "hep" generation would say such a thing. In a way, it is intertwined with materialism. And while it's great that you have access to everything global, nothing can justify your need to turn into clones. While I'd love to be part of a group that makes good use of the resources of this information age but at the same time is wise enough to pick and choose attributes from the West while maintain one's Indianness, I'm sorry to say but I don't see that happening. And say it if you really mean it, but please don't say "change" just because a certain Obama says so.
(to be continued)
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